Chillennium is an event where teams of up to four students are given 48 hours to put together a game with a certain theme.
I participated in a team with the role of creating audio elements for the game. Though this was the first Chillennium for all four of us, it was fun to go through the process of creating a product under such tight conditions. Below are just a few of the sound elements I created using FL Studio. "Shredded and Stacked" was the name we decided to give to the music that plays in the game.

Shredded and Stacked (the music that plays during the game)

Intro Voice (me finding an empty stairwell outside of the event room and saying "Pillar Men"--our game's name--into my laptop)

Sword Swing Noise (I went into the same stairwell and made a "whish" noise with my mouth; then I raised the frequency)

Death Scream 3 (I went into the stairwell and screamed, hoping nobody nearby could hear me)

Death Scream 4 (apparently, 3 were not enough)

Rifle Noise (this was just modifying the sound of a kick drum in FL Studio until it sounded like an 8-bit rifle)

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