Python Team Project: Dots and Boxes Game (Fall 2018)​​​​​​​
This is a group project that I was able to make with brilliant partners during my first semester at A&M. This final project for ENGR 102 tasked us with creating a game using Python, and the four of us decided to program Dots and Boxes, a game where players take turns choosing sides in a grid to create boxes.
The video below features me demonstrating parts of the code and describing what we learned from the project. Despite being proficient in both C++ and Python, this has thus far been the coding project I have had where I was required to work on part of a whole, but it was both fun and challenging. The biggest takeaway was how difficult it was to coordinate what each person should receive and send to the others; even though we discussed it, pulling it off was logistically interesting to say the least. We put together a great product in the end because we worked well as a team, but I now know that being organized needs to be a top priority in order for the process to run smoothly.
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